Advanced Website Analysis

Going beyond the initial site evaluation, we further examine your store and begin developing a detailed strategy for promoting your products and services.
When assessing your ecommerce website, it is important to compare store platform functionality such as shopper features, customer service features, online marketing initiatives, search engine optimizations as well as content on landing pages. Beyond that it is imperative that you understand your current visitor behavior when they are shopping on your site.
Shopper Feature Comparisons explore the shopping features offered by you in comparison to your top competitors. Statistics prove time and time again that features and programs offered to customers increases customer satisfaction, loyalty and cart values. Although features and their success rates vary between industries, the information gives you a roadmap for the decision making process.
Customer Service Features include the accessibility of your staff and company information can affect your ability to convert browsers to buyers. The customer services features outlined gives you insight into your competitive advantage or disadvantage in areas that typically lead to website abandonment.
Online Marketing Initiatives will address which sites are generating revenue for your competitors and allows the identification of gaps that currently exist for your particular industry or business.
Search Engine Optimization Reviews will examine your competitors overall success in the search engines and site-wide optimization techniques. To position your company as a leader in the search engines, your ability to deploy techniques that will align you for results is largely affected by how well your competitors have done in the same areas. Using your competitor's data will allow you to set goals that can be deployed overtime to stay on top of the competition.
Visitor Statistics provided in your analytics data involves tracking your website with your visitor’s browsers and operating systems to ensure your website performs as expected allows you to make design considerations and business decisions based on your visitors changing environments over time. Often times, websites do not stay current with new and evolving technology which decreases overall site performance over time. With the rapid evolvement of technology, reviewing your visitor information can be critical to your online success.