Search Engine Marketing

Driving traffic to your web location is only half the battle to achieve a prosperous online business. The key to kick starting your online business results lies with an organized, coordinated strategy between your online business and your marketing efforts, such as search engine optimization and pay-per-click advertising. We can analyze, implement and manage your search engine marketing efforts for maximum e-business success. Search engine marketing efforts quickly expand your online presence and drives targeted traffic to your site. We can help you build and capitalize on the vast potential of keyword search marketing opportunities.
You can utilize search engine marketing campaigns to maximize your online presence and drive highly targeted traffic to your site, especially if your site is relatively new and you are waiting for your natural SEO traffic to pick up. Sponsored listings and featured listings will help you capitalize on the vast potential of sponsored keyword marketing. You can focus on specific products and/or specific types of lead generation. Your search marketing campaign can be as low at $25 per day. You do not need a big budget to utilize pay-per-click services.
Search engine marketing also allows you to pay your way to the top of the search engines. Your paid listings will appear at the top and to the right after entering a search term in any major search engine. When shoppers click, they land on your specific site pages. It sounds simple enough, but did you know that factors other than your bid amount determine the order of paid listings in Google? And what is a click really worth if you convert that visitor into a purchasing customer because they were looking for the particular product or service you are selling on your website?
PPC programs are also great way to take sales from your competition as well. SEOstacy's marketing campaign setups include consultation and site review of products, identification of landing pages for best conversions, keyword evaluation and bid amounts, account set up in selected ad networks, creation and optimization of ad text content, image display listings and installation of sales conversion tracking code.